Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Here we go!

I was never nervous one bit.  Considering my nature, I really wasn't surprised.
And then, as I was walking through the terminal at McGee Tyson (our local airport,) it all hit me.
I'm going across the world, to a foreign country to live in a city that doesn't speak English.
I'm going alone.  And I'm leaving everyone I love and a almost all of my possessions behind.

While I am so incredibly excited to begin this journey that I've been blessed with, it's kind of just now hitting me.  At this point I'm used to people asking if I'm scared or telling me how brave or crazy I was, but it's only now that I'm realizing why.

I admit, I shed a few (little) tears when saying goodbye today.  I'm going to miss so many people and things so terribly much.  And, admittedly, I'm scared.  But only for now, hopefully ;)

At this moment I am sitting in the Washington DC airport, waiting to board my flight to Madrid (and also attempting to eavesdrop on the Spanish woman sitting across from me,) and really thinking about everything I'm about to do, see, and experience.

I can't begin to put into words how grateful I am for the support of my family, and of course Greg.  Without them I simply would not have the means or the courage to make this journey.

To everyone reading this, thank you for your support, your friendship, and your interest in my little trip.  As corny as that sounds, I really appreciate it!

So get ready for pictures and updates.

Next stop, Spain.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A lesson learned

Booking my flight to Paris was one of the highlights of my to-do list.  Today I did an online search for a particular cheap airfare company and found out that they had a one way flight from Paris-Malaga for NINE EUROS.  That's like 12 bucks.  Aka, dirt cheap.  I was so excited that I hurriedly booked the flight.  Only to later realize that just because an airport calls itself "Paris" does not mean that it is actually in Paris.

The airport I booked a flight into is actually 70 miles away.  I about died of sadness... and a little embarrassment.  Lucky this is apparently something that happens to people often, so there is a shuttle to and from Paris.

So recap:

I have to ride a bus for almost two hours.
And then my flight leaves almost Paris at 10:30 PM.
And arrives in Malaga just before midnight.

Break out the cute shoes.  It's gonna be an exciting night.

Monday, September 12, 2011


and my lack of Spanish studying is starting to concern me.  Tonight Greg's studying for an immunology test tonight, I believe I will turn it into a study party.  Complete with some yummy foods and constant interruptions.  Greg, if you're reading, I have just invited myself over tonight.  Prepare yourself for wayyy too much chocolate and Spanish love phrases.  

oh yes. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011