Monday, November 21, 2011

Guys... That's the Eiffel Tower- Paris Pt. 2

So I kind of have a little love affair with the Eiffel Tower.  As in, for some reason I'm so entranced by its beauty that I have a lamp, necklace, picture frame, etc all depicting the famous monument... And that was before I visited France.  

I can't even begin to describe the real Tower.  The construction of it is actually a lot less dainty and pretty than I thought, and in the daytime its kind of a brownish steel color- but there's still something so gorgeous about it.  And at night, whew, took my breath away.  The entire tower lights up, but then literally sparkles for the first 5 minutes every hour.  I tried to upload a video of it at the end of the post, but I've never uploaded a video to blogger before so we'll see how that goes.  Also, it's sideways.  I wasn't thinking about camera orientation when I was watching the lights, lol.  

Anyways, the first night in Paris Sara, Bernadette and I enjoyed (tolerated is probably a better word) a cheap bottle of wine under the lit up tower.  Definitely one of my favorite moments in Europe thus far.  

The next day we just walked around, taking it all in.  Pictured below is a cafe named Tennessee (!!) the Arc de Triumph, and a few other pretty sights.  

One more Paris post left!  

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The City of Lights- Paris part 1

I went to Paris two weeks ago and I didn't post about it?!  What kind of travel blogger am I?  Sorry for the lack of updates, there has just been so much going on!

This past week we went to Granada, Spain. And I have a full slate of weekend travels from now up until literally the week I come home!  I'm so excited for these next few weeks.  Included in my itinerary are London, Cordoba, Milan, Verona, possibly Venice, Paris (again!), Seville, and Dublin.  Yay for travel!  

Alright, so Paris.  I fell in love with the city.  Literally.  Full out in. love.  Despite warnings that parisians could be rude, we encountered only the nicest people.  In fact, one time I was running late (and somewhat lost) on the metro, and a young couple actually sprinted to my stop (not theirs!) with me, just to make sure I could find my way.  

We went to mass in Notre Dame, drank wine under a glittering Eiffel Tower (yes, it glitters/sparkles/lights up/whatever you want to call it for 5 minutes every hour at night,) ate way too many crepes, tried escargot and walked the Champs Elyees to the Louvre.  Because I took over 300 pictures, I'm just sharing a select few through the next few posts.